Acropolis Spell Checking Components v2.2 The Acropolis Spell Checking Components provide the Delphi programmer with components to add spell checking to their applications. Both 16-bit Delphi 1.x and 32-bit Delphi 2.0 components included. Included in the base components are: Standard TMemo and TDBMemo spell checking components (MemoSpell) Methods: CheckMemo & CheckMemoSelection [to check TMemo] CheckDBMemo & CheckDBMemoSelection [to check TDBMemo] *** 16 and 32 bit versions Standard TRichEdit spell checking component (RichSpell) Methods: CheckRich and CheckRichSelection *** 32 bit version only Checking for Turbo Power Software's Orpheus CustomEditor classes (OrphSpell) Methods: CheckOrph & CheckOrphSelection [to check any Orpheus Editor] *** 16 bit version only Roll your own spell checking component (AcropSpell) Methods: Too many to lis *** 16 and 32 bit versions There is also low-level Object Pascal access to the base spell checking engine for both 16 and 32 bit programs. Dual suggestion methods are available. Use either Close Match suggestions which provide suggestions based on common typing and spelling errors or use the more powerful Phoneme based suggestions which build the list based on the way a word sounds. Extensive on-line context sensitive help is of course included. Support for non-English languages is designed into the base engine. 80,000 word common usage dictionaries in both US and UK English and 112,000 word large US English dictionaries included. Spell checking TMemo, TDBMemo, TRichEdit and Orpheus Editors is a easy as dropping a single component on your form and making one method call. There are also methods to spell check only the selected text of a your text control. Building your own spell checking components is of course a little more difficult, but the fully commented source code for checking the standard controls is included to provide you with examples to help in designing spell checking components for your own objects and classes. INSTALLATION ------------ If you have an earlier version of the components install please uninstall them before installing version 2.2. Before you use the Acropolis Spell checking components, you must install them into the Delphi palette and rebuild the component library. 16-BIT INSTALL From within Delphi 1.x, do the following: 1. Select Options|Install components from the main menu. 2. Select 'Add', and then select the 'Browse' button. 3. Locate and select the MEMOCHK.PAS file in the directory you placed the files in and select the OK button from the 'Add Module' dialog. 4. If you want to register the lower level TAcropSpell component repeat step 3 selecting ACROPSPL.PAS. 5. If you have Turbo Power Software's Orpheus components installed and what to install the OrphSpell component repeat step 3 selecting the ORPHCHK.PAS file. If you do not have the Orpheus components installed the OrphSpell component will not install properly as it requires some of the Orpheus unit files. 6. Select OK from the ‘Install Components’ dialog to have Delphi compile and add the new components to the component library. The Delphi component palette will be updated and add the components to the 'Samples' tab. TAcropSpell will have an icon that looks like a checkmark. TMemoSpell icon will look like a checkmark on top of a memo icon and the TOrphSpell icon will look like the Orpheus Editor pencil with a checkmark above it. 32-BIT INSTALL From within Delphi 2.0, do the following: 1. Select Component|Install components from the main menu. 2. Select 'Add', and then select the 'Browse' button. 3. Locate and select the MEMOCK32.PAS file in the directory you placed the files in and select the OK button from the 'Add Module' dialog. 4. To install the RichEdit spell checking component repeat step 3 selecting the file RICHCK32.PAS. 5. If you want to register the lower level TAcropSpell component repeat step 3 selecting ACROPSPL.PAS. 6. Select OK from the Install Components dialog to have Delphi compile and add the new components to the component library. The Delphi component palette will be updated and add the components to the 'Samples' tab. TAcropSpell will have an icon that looks like a checkmark. TMemoSpell icon will look like a checkmark on top of a memo icon and the TRichSpell icon will look like the MemoSpell component with "RICH" in the document. If you do not plan on setting the DictionaryMain property for the components you should probably copy the dictionary files to the directory of the application you are working on to make it easier to access. INSTALLING HELP FILE -------------------- Delphi 1.x Help Installation Make sure Delphi is not running when you install the help file. 1. Copy the ACROPSPL.HLP file to the \DELPHI\BIN directory. 2. Use the HelpInst program (included with Delphi) to open the file DELPHI.HDX located in the \DELPHI\BIN directory. 3. Click the "+" button to add a keyword file. Select the ACROPSPL.KWF file from the directory where you placed the component code. 4. Save the updated DELPHI.HDX file and quit the HelpInst program. Delphi 2.0 Help Installation Make sure Delphi 2.0 is not running when you install the help file. 1. Copy the ACROPSPL.HLP file to the \DELPHI\BIN directory. Copy the ACROPSPL.KWF file to the \DELPHI\HELP directory. 2. Use the HelpInst program (included with Delphi) to open the file DELPHI.HDX located in the \DELPHI\BIN directory. 3. Click the "+" button to add a keyword file. Select the ACROPSPL.KWF file from in the \DELPHI\HELP directory. 4. Save the updated DELPHI.HDX file and quit the HelpInst program. REVISION HISTORY ---------------- V1.0 - Initial Release v1.1 - Corrected minor bug in MemoSpellCheck (not seeing last character) v1.2 - Enhanced suggestions of hyphenated words v2.0 - Renamed MemoSpellCheck component to MemoSpell Improved the "look" of the suggestion dialog Added Ignore Once and Change All options to components Added Orpheus editor spell checking component Added the CheckMemoSelection and CheckOrphSelection methods Context sensitive help added (including Base Unit documentation) v2.01 - Corrected problem with TAcropSpell initializing Added ShowStatus property to TOrphSpell component v2.02 - to v2.08. Minor change/experimental versions not released v2.09 - Spelling suggestion window is now always visible Removed ShowStatus property from TOrphSpell component (not needed now) Maximum number of suggestions is now 255 AvoidHighlight property added to OrphSpell and MemoSpell Speed improvement in suggestion list generation v2.1 - Final clean up of v2.09 Help file corrections v2.2 - Added 32-bit Delphi 2.0 support Updated help file for 32-bit version Added TRichEdit spell checking component REGISTRATION If you use AcropSpell and wish to compile programs without the notice stating that you are using an unregistered version, send $45 to Acropolis Software to register. You will receive a disk containing the latest version of both the components and dictionary files, that will not display the unregistered warning. Please use this order form to register. If you do not use this form, please specify that you are registering the AcropSpell component. _______________________________________________________________________ Name : ___________________________________________ Company : ___________________________________________ Address : ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ City/State : ___________________________________________ Zip Code : ___________________________________________ Phone : ___________________________________________ $45.00 Registration fee _____ CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY please add sales tax _____ Shipping & Handling $2.50, International Airmail $5.00 $_____ Total Disk Size: ___ 3.5" (1.44M) ___ 3.5" (2 - 720K) The product being registered is AcropSpell v2.2. You will receive the registered version of the component and the latest dictionary files. Send check or money order to: Acropolis Software P.O. Box 5037 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Credit card orders may be phoned or faxed to: (916) 967-4791. Phone orders from 9am - 6pm PST. Fax Orders 24 hrs a day. E-Mail: Please provide the following information: ___ Visa ___ MasterCard (PLEASE PRINT) Name as appears on card: ____________________________________ Card Number: ____________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ Signature: __________________________________